Simply Bread
Hi! This is me, Paula, your baker!
Everything started with my search for good quality freshly baked bread. I was born and raised in Brazil, where it's in our culture to eat fresh bread every single day. Bakeries can be found very easily - there's one on every corner. Starting at a very young age, I remember my mom asking me to go to the bakery in our neighborhood (which was literally around the corner), to buy fresh bread. Because I missed that so much, I decided to start making my own bread. Everything in the "bread world" was new for me. I researched a lot, read a ton of books, and most importantly: I tried and tried and tried - persistence was key. With the support of my wonderful family and friends, I kept going, learning from my mistakes, and celebrating every time I was successful. Now, here I am, still learning every day; but with much more experience and a solid foundation, which enables me to share with you the bread that I carefully make with all my love and passion. I hope you enjoy it too, as much as I do!

All bread products baked at Simply Bread are handmade in small batches, and slowly fermented using a culture of wild yeast. All flour is organic and all whole grains, also organic, are house milled. The ingredients are carefully selected, always aiming for good quality and reliable sources. None of the bread contains any conditioners or preservatives. Each loaf is fermented for a minimum of 20 hours and finally baked in a stone-lined oven. By eating naturally-leavened and long-fermented bread, you get all the benefits from its process: the bacteria and the yeast in the sourdough culture work together to predigest the starches and to break down the gluten protein, making it easier to digest.